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Aquatic Therapy

Best Aqua Therapy in Bangalore

Aquatic therapy or water therapy is essentially physical, occupational, or recreation therapy that takes place in a temperature-controlled pool under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional.


Aromatherapy or exercising in water helps a variety of people with their health problems. It does sound unbelievable but nevertheless is very much true. One must be wondering how exercising in water can be beneficial. Body weight is reduced by 90 per cent in water and buoyancy makes even the more difficult exercises doable. For instance, people with knee problems are generally advised not to squat. In water, one can do all this and more without discomfort or injury and reap benefits such as improved muscle tone, balance, strength, muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance.

Who are the people ideal for Aquatherapy? Almost everyone, especially those suffering from knee pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and those who are looking forward to avoiding a joint replacement surgery to obtain relief. The geriatric population can experience improvement in strength and muscle tone. Those with Ataxia (which causes loss of balance) find they are steadier on their feet and those with respiratory problems are generally benefited as compressed water exits exhalation.

Allovedas encourages and ensures recovery without pain through Aquatherapy. Call us to find out more about the therapy.


Physio Therapy

Physical therapy management at our centre generally incorporates prescribed exercises specially meant for the patient as well as manipulation,

Speech Therapy

People who struggle with communication often need speech therapy as a form of treatment.

Occupational Therapy

We tend to take activities like getting dressed or feeding ourselves for granted.

Nutrition Counseling

We at Allovedas try to offer tweaked neuro-nutritional therapy for capturing further deterioration and for supporting brain wellness

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