
  • +91 89516 47272
    +91 08073-108108
  • Jayanagar 1st Block

Nutrition Counseling

We at Allovedas try to offer tweaked neuro nutritional therapy for capturing further deterioration and for supported brain wellness which incorporates a variety of diets which are mitigating in nature followed by pushing on good dieting propensities which thusly basically centres around mental health to ad lib the patients memory, mental abilities, their ability to concentration and endeavouring to prevent futuristic cognitive decline.


We at Allovedas endeavor extremely difficult to guarantee that each patient has an individualized eating regimen plan to hold the responsiveness joined to individual beliefs, the fluctuated work examples, and monitoring each understanding’s plan for getting work done to contain differed ailments like Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension PCOD and different problems which are neurological in nature, for example, numerous sclerosis, auto resistant issues, stroke Parkinson’s illness and furthermore addressing patients having aversion to gluten.

We give special attention to children’s diet with the intention of managing their stress and also improvising their overall health with the most appropriate nutritional diet.

During the course of our therapy, we assess various parameters:

  • Duration of DM
  • Presence of other co-morbidities if any and its duration
  • Onset of medication and its duration
  • OHA/Insulin/Combination
  • Fatigue
  • Other symptoms of DM: neuropathy
  • Physical activity level: Dependent/independent
  • Oral intake
  • Any symptoms affecting oral Intake
  • Oral vit/mineral supplements
  • Urinary/Bowel incontinence
  • Sleep pattern
  • Medication allergies
  • Food Habits: Veg/Non Veg
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol intake
  • Nutritional Care Plan

Week 1

Nutritional assessment which also includes Anthropometry, Biochemistry evaluation or review of blood tests, 24 hour recall and food frequency questionnaire, food diary, Portion/healthy eating plate

Week 2

Food diary to be reviewed, Diet plan which is customised, Dietary tips along with those foods which need to be included as well as those to be avoided.

Week 3

Food diary to be reviewed, Discussion of energy or stamina levels and food cravings to be addressing cravings for food.

Depending on the individual’s needs and progress the frequency and number of reviews will be decided.

The first session is of 45 minutes duration and the subsequent sessions are of 30 minutes duration.


Physio Therapy

Physical therapy management at our centre generally incorporates prescribed exercises specially meant for the patient as well as manipulation,

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy or water therapy is essentially physical, occupational, or recreation therapy

Speech Therapy

People who struggle with communication often need speech therapy as a form of treatment.

Occupational Therapy

We tend to take activities like getting dressed or feeding ourselves for granted.

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